Launching Summer 2021

Join us for an intense 6 week coding camp and learn how to develop complex web sites and applications!

Signup For Updates

We will be sending out more details over the next few months. Sign up to our mailing list to get the latest updates.

Virtual Reality Programing

Course curriculum will be released in June.

Full Stack Web Development

Setup Week 1

  • Development environment; Text editors, Chrome Developer Tools, the terminal
  • Version control with Git and Github
  • Wireframes, user stories, and Agile development workflows
  • Project design, planning, and management techniques; Design documents

Coding Weeks 2 & 3

  • HTML and the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and responsive design
  • Javascript; Objects, functions, variables, scope/closures, etc

Project Week 5

  • Pick one of a few ideas to work on or choose your own idea
  • Build an functional, interactive website with learnings